The Soda Pop

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il ruscello è un fiume piccolo, le scarpe sono contenitori per i piedi, le lampade sono oggetti luminosi, il naso è la parte sporgente del volto, il ponte è una parentesi inciampata, il computer è un parallelepipedo di dimensioni ridotte che contiene un universo (ricorda le automobili in harry potter), l’uccello è un dinosauro evolutissimo e molto piccolo che vola, il cielo è tutto ciò che non riusciamo a toccare eccetera Lampades originate from Greek mythology and are nymphs of the vast, dark underworld. They are faithful to the goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, and carry her torches, keeping her company on her night-time travels and hauntings. The bright, unrelenting light from the nymphs’ torches was said to drive mortal men to the brink of madness. they are nymphs of darkness, permanent residents of the underworld. there they remain, bearers of torches, loyal companions of hekate; she who resides over witchcraft and the night. often forgotten, unscathed from ink and feather, they assist with patience, remaining ever in the realms of hades among their fellow khthonioi dwellers. The Nymphai (also called Nymphê) are minor nature Goddesses, and there are many different classifications of them. Ôkeanides (also called Ôkeanis, Ôkeaninai or Ôkeanines) were the Goddesses of Fresh-Water such as springs, and most other fresh-water Goddess groups were often considered included in their numbers. Naiades (also called Naias, Naides or Hydriades) were also Goddesses of fresh-water though more related to rivers and ponds. Dryades (also called Dryas) were Goddesses of Forests, Groves and Wooded Glens and had further subdivisions within them: Epimêlides (also called Epimêlis) were the Goddesses of Grassy Pastures Leimonides- Goddesses of Water Flower Meadows Nephelai (also called the Nephelê)- Goddesses of Clouds Aurai (also called Aura)- The Goddesses of Cool Breezes Asteriai- Goddesses of the Stars Haliai ( also called Halia, Halias and Haliades) were Goddesses of the Sea. The Nêreides were counted among these. Lampades ( aslo called Lampas)- Underworld Goddesses associated with Hekatê Hymns to the Nymphai: Orphic Hymn #51 Nymphs, daughters of great-hearted Okeanos, you dwell inside the earth’s damp caves, And your paths are secret, O joyous and chthonic ones, nurses of Bacchos. You nourish fruits and haunt meadows, O sprightly and pure travelers of winding roads who delight in caves and grottoes. Swift, light-footed, and clothed in dew, you frequent springs. Visible and invisible, in the ravines and among flowers, You shout and frisk with Pan upon mountain sides. Gliding down on rocks, you hum with clear voice, O mountain-haunting, sylvan maidens of fields and streams. O sweet-smelling virgins, clad in white, fresh as the breezes, With goat-herds, pastures and splendid fruits in your domain. You are loved by creatures of the wild. Tender though you are, you rejoice in cold and you give sustenance and growth to many, O playful and water-loving Hamadryad maidens. Dwellers of Nysa, frenzied and healing goddesses who joy in spring, Together with Bacchos and Deo you bring grace t mortals. With joyful hearts come to this hallowed sacrifice, And in the seasons of growth pour streams of salubrious rain. #emetophobia #sex ment #unsanitary emeto art under the cut, it kinda looks more like jizz than barf but that’s because i can’t draw puke to save my life :’-) sorry for bein gross i just think mac barfin is sooo cute!!! this was also a super quick doodle so it’s really not that good and also i have a ton of trouble drawing mac (haven’t quite learned how to do it right yet)

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Mie care, l’estate sta finendo -o forse non è mai iniziata, dato che ho dormito sempre con la copertina e non ho mai sudato in questi mesi O_o- quindi mi sembrava giusto non aspettare troppo per mostrarvi il vestito dell’anno, l’acquistone dell’estate, il pezzo di stoffa per cui ho perso la testa ancor prima di provarmelo, una domenica mattina di maggio a Begur, borgo medievale in Costa Brava. (m…

Si tratta di un cpaanni che ama la patina del giГ vissuto del logoro e ni. fu generata dal sangue gocciolato dalla testa della gorgone Medusa quando Perseo ..

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