Directed by Robert Young. With Deborah Findlay, Laura Harling, Joanna Scanlan, Ben Sowden. Charlotte Bronte's classic novel is filmed yet again. The story of the Yorkshire orphan who becomes a governess to a young French girl and finds love with the brooding lord of the manor is given a standard romantic flare, but sparks do not seem to happen between the two leads in this version.
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Watch full length United Kingdom movie Jane Eyre (1997) with subtitles. Subtitled in English · English, Spanish · Español.
Jane Eyre (1997). July 18, 2009 by Judy. I find it very difficult to pick favourite books, movies, etc – but if I was forced to pick one novel which has meant the most ..
Watch Jane Eyre (1997) (1997) Online Free Full Movie Putlocker. Charlotte Bronte's classic novel is filmed yet again. The story of the Yorkshire orphan who ..