The L Word is an American/Canadian co-production television drama series portraying the lives of a group of lesbian, bisexual, straight and transgender people and their friends, connections, family and lovers in the trendy Greater Los Angeles, California city of West Hollywood. The show originally ran on Showtime from 2004 to 2009, and subsequently in syndication on Logo and through on-demand services.
Catch up on all the episodes of season 6 The L Word on Read all the episode recaps from 6 seasons of's The L Word.
The L Word: Season 5 ~ Jennifer Beals DVD $29.53. The L Word.. Her scenes with Bette makes the whole season 6 more interesting. Tasha: umm what can i ..
The L Word
Login · Register · Login · The L Word (TV Series 2004–2009) Poster.. Season 6. Long Night's Journey Into Day. S6, Ep1. 18 Jan. 2009. Long Night's Journey ..
The shocking murder of Jenny is told in flashback as each characters recounts the events leading up to the crime to the police investigators; Jenny and Shane start a sizzling romance while Jenny sells another script even as the negative of her movie goes missing; Bette and Tina plan to have another child, this time through adoption; after losing The Planet, Kit opens a new nightclub with partner Helena; Alice and Tasha have compatibility issues and a mutual crush on a third party.
[edit]. Showtime confirmed a sixth and final season for The L Word. Unlike the show's previous seasons, it only lasted 8 episodes to ..
Jan 18, 2015.. That's right, readers: The L Word did not, in fact, reveal which of its.. AND NOW its overarching final-season murder mystery remains, from ..