Teya Salat

Maya After Effects

maya after effects

In this Maya and After Effects tutorial we'll create the entire pipeline for simulating a complex 3D time warp effect. Topics covered include setting up the live action shoot, rotoscoping techniques using mocha in After Effects and Matchmoving in PFTrack. We’ll also learn about 3D Camera Stabilization in Maya, creating our effect using custom MEL tools and compositing techniques in After Effects.

maya after effects

Aug 17, 2012.. Discover how to create render passes in Maya, recombine the passes in After Effects, and motion track the passes to live-action video footage ..

Maya Tutorials > Creating a 3D Time Warp Effect in Maya and After Effects Tutorial > Digital-Tutors

by René de la Fuente & Will Scates, Phoenix, Arizona, USA ©2002 René de la Fuente & Will Scates and CreativeCOW.net. All rights reserved. Article Focus: It makes sense to use a 3D program to create a 3D scene; but what if you need to re-use the camera motion info from that scene for advanced compositing? In this tutorial, René de la Fuente and Will Scates walk through the basic steps needed to accomplish this using Alias|Wavefront's Maya 4 and Adobe After Effects v 5.5.

Maya Camera Import into After Effects : Adobe After Effects basics Tutorial