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School Of Hard Knocks

School of Hard Knocks | University of Life. 4661 likes · 40 talking about this. "Failure is feedback.. Feedback is information.. Information is..

School of Hard Knocks

school of hard knocks

The School of Hard Knocks or University of Hard Knocks is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative ..

School of Hard Knocks, Phoenix, AZ. 57464 likes · 26696 talking about this · 1111 were here. Hang the internationally accredited life experience Ph.D.

The School of Hard Knocks or University of Hard Knocks is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education. The term is frequently misattributed to George Ade, but was actually coined by Elbert Hubbard in a piece he wrote on himself for Cosmopolitan in 1902. It is a phrase which is most-typically used by a person to claim a level of wisdom imparted by life experience, which should be considered at least equal in merit to academic knowledge. It is a response that may be given when one is asked about his or her education, particularly if they do not have an extensive formal education but rather life experiences that should be valued instead. It may also be used facetiously, to suggest that formal education is not of practical value compared with "street" experience. In the UK and New Zealand, the phrases "University of Life" and "School of Hard Knocks" may be used interchangeably. Empiricism Learning the hard way Practical knowledge Unschooling School of Life (disambiguation) Hard Knocks Academy School of Hard Knocks University of Blagology

school of hard knocks

.. gained by working for it, and not necessarily from a book. You can learn more common sense from the school of hard knocks, than from most any university.

School of Hard Knocks, The University of Life. 31914 likes · 214 talking about this. Jack & Jill / Hooked On Crack N Pillz.

school of hard knocks

The Old School Of Hard Knocks. 4914 likes · 29 talking about this. A place to teach and learn the Old School way. No fakers, liars, or false promise..

Life itself; knowledge (and wisdom) gained by working for it, and not necessarily from a book.