Old school Easter eggs.

Tiny Windows 7

tiny windows 7

Learn how to customize the appearance of the Windows desktop by showing, hiding, or resizing icons.

tiny windows 7

Hello. This is my first post; a few years ago we had to buy my son an Acer Aspire One A11OL for primary school, and since he no longer needs it, I am interested in removing the Linux Linpus Lite OS and installing Windows. I have read on this forum that Tiny 7 is ideal. I have managed to find and download the .iso file, but cannot put it onto a USB drive (all of the programs I've tried refuse to recognise the .iso).

Windows 7 Ultimate VS Tiny 7 Ultimate

TinyWall is a free, feature-rich, and lightweight firewall for Windows, known for its unique no-popup approach.

tiny windows 7Tiny 7 still available? | Laptop Forums

Feb 17, 2015.. I've seen before that there are tools that allow you to remove unnecessary bloat from Windows ISOs like wallpapers, fonts, screensavers..

Sep 14, 2012.. slim down windows 7 I've recently stepped into the modern age and purchased a SSD device for my main PC. The reasoning was sound – my ..

During my brainstorming for another blog here in a cafe shop, I met a very good friend of mine working in the same cafe I’m in with. When we were conversing, we stumbled upon a topic about computers and its operating systems. She said and I quote, “I don’t really know and understand what are operating systems are and what they do.” That said, I have this awesome idea about writing this blog about Operating systems in our computers and notebooks. These days, there are a lot of competitors of Operating Systems (OS) such as Mac OS, Windows OS, Linux (or GNU/Linux) OS and others. here is a list of operating systems that you can browse on. But in this blog, we will be talking about the other version (or which I can say a Tiny version ) of Windows 7 called…. the TINY 7 Ultimate. So to begin with, from the name itself, Tiny 7 is the “tiny” version of windows. So what it is really the mini version of Windows 7. To summarize what Tiny 7 really is, i got this review from a site i found which is similar to my description of Tiny 7. Its not me being lazy, I’m just working smart and quote from a user who made this review 1st. ;) Tiny 7 is a copy of windows 7 that has had so much stuff stripped out of it, you get a faster running machine because there are a whole lot less resources being used by the typical running software. Some things you install may not work because the software that it depends on, will not be on the machine. So you have to search for that software on the internet and get it installed so your machine can run the process you are needing. Trust that this software has a potential of making your computer a tad bit slower. On that note. Windows Tiny 7, is not a full legal version to install and run as a computer. The guy that distributes the software, Makes it clear that he is just trying to see how little of processes he can make it to before the operating system is none functional. His goal is to run the operating system with as few resources and processes as possible. He is uploading the software for you to look at what he did, and then give him ideas as to what to do next. He has no intentions of you making this your primary operating system on your primary computer. I think that is why he stopped working on the project after tiny vista was fully complete. On that note. DO NOT try and register tiny7. That is not what he intended for you to do. DO NOT try and get updates to Tiny 7. It will check with WGA (windows Genuine Advantage), see it is a pirated copy of windows, and then it will lock you down. You will then be locked out of your own computer, simply because you have not been logical. You can change the cd key of the install of your copy of tiny 7 by just calling Microsoft’s hot line. Do not bother with doing the voice recognition thing, it is frustrating . I just yell into the phone “blabble zabble deepledorf” repeatedly while crackling plastic wrap next to the mic until a human gets on the phone. Works like magic. Tell them what ever it takes to prove that you are not out to rip anyone off and you just like the version you have and would like to register it with a new key. It will work. be persistent and insistent that it is the best operating system you have ever used and is better than any other operating system Microsoft offers. There are tons of ways around WGA. But they always get stopped and Microsoft fixes those tricks. Really I have no idea why you would download an operating system from a stranger and then worry about security patches. In 12 years only one single service pack that Microsoft distributed didn’t slow your computer down more than it already was. In fact service pack 3 on Windows xp, made most computers faster. Then patches that came later, slowed them all right back down. Ignore the fear mongers that tell you some virus is in the wild and without some Service pack, your dog’s fur will fall out. Don’t believe them when they say the latest service pack will make my computer faster. It’s a trap. The right thing to do is just out right buy windows 7. You can get the OEM version of Windows 7 at less than half cost. Or quit trying to register something you know is not legal. Quit trying to patch something you have no rights patching. In my perspective, tiny 7 is much better than the full windows 7 because it is really really fast and is really reliable in terms of being an OS for windows. here is the full specifications of Tiny 7. Enjoy :)

tiny windows 7